segunda-feira, 18 de maio de 2015

Johann Georg Meyer Von Bremen,pintor alemão (1813 - 1886) - Johann Georg Meyer Von Bremen, German Painter (1813 - 1886)

Johann Georg Meyer von Bremen (1813 Bremen, Alemanha -  1886 Berlim),  conhecido como Meyer von Bremen, foi um pintor alemão que se especializou em cenas bíblicas, de camponeses e familiares. Com 21 anos vai para Düsseldorf e lá começa os seus estudos na Academia de Arte, a qual à época era conduzida por Friedrich Wilhelm Schadow, filho de Johann Gottfried Schadow escultor. Em 1841, Meyer abre um estúdio, e em 1853, com a sua fama em crescendo muda-se para Berlim. As cenas da Bíblia foram o seu primeiro tema. Mais tarde volta a sua atenção para cenas da vida do cidadão comum, especialmente camponeses de Hessen e, finalmente, o retrato da vida familiar em seu aspecto patético. Tais imagens como 'O Jubileu de um Pastor Hessian' (1843), "Véspera de Natal, '' '' O Regresso do Soldado", "A Inundação" (1846), 'A Filha Arrependida' (1852, na galeria em Bremen), estão cheios de intensa simpatia para com os "anais simples dos pobres." Após ter fixado a sua residência em Berlim,  começa  a pintar primordialmente cenas relativas a crianças, que ele representa com humor espirituoso. Um exemplo do seu trabalho, "The Letter" (1873), está no Metropolitan Museum of Art, em Nova York.

Johann Georg Meyer von Bremen (28 October 1813 Bremen, Germany – 4 December 1886 Berlin), commonly known as Meyer von Bremen, was a German painter who specialized in Biblicalpeasant, and family scenes. In his 2lst year, he went to Düsseldorf and began his studies at the Academy of Art there, which was led by Friedrich Wilhelm Schadow, the son of sculptor Johann Gottfried Schadow. He is associated with the Düsseldorf school of painting. In 1841, Meyer opened a studio of his own, but moved to Berlin as his fame increased (1853). While scenes from the Bible were first the subjects of his brush, he later turned his attention to incidents from popular life, especially among the Hessian peasantry, and finally to the portrayal of family life in its pathetic aspect. Such pictures as ‘The Jubilee of a Hessian Pastor’ (1843), ‘Christmas Eve,’ ‘Blindman's Buff,’ ‘The Soldier's Return,’ ‘The Inundation’ (1846), ‘The Repentant Daughter’ (1852, in the gallery at Bremen), are full of intense sympathy with the “simple annals of the poor.” After taking up his residence at Berlin, he chose especially scenes from child life, which he rendered with spirited humor. Among his pictures of this kind are: 'The Little Flower Girl(1853)', ‘The Fairy Tale,’ ‘Children Playing Blindman's Buff,’ ‘Grandfather and Grandchild,’ and others. A third group of his pictures includes those of young women, as single figures or in groups, such as ‘The Tryst’ and ‘The Love Letter.’ An example of his work, ‘The Letter’ (1873), is in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

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